Jubilant Tidbits

** “Share your smile with the world. It’s the symbol of friendship and peace.” –Christie Brinkley
** How cool it is to watch tiny seeds grow into sprouts!
** Jesus took the Lord’s Supper (Communion) seriously, and so should we. Paul reminds us of the correct way to observe it.

*** Tidbit 1 Humor Time 

One day the schoolteacher scolded young Freddie, saying, “Freddie, you mustn’t laugh out loud in the school room.” Freddie responded respectfully by saying, “Sorry, teacher. I didn’t mean to. I was smiling and my smile busted.”

A fellow walked into a drugstore and headed to the back to speak to the pharmacist. Do you have anything for hiccups?” he asked.
Without warning, the pharmacist reached over and gave the man a sharp smack on the shoulder. “Did that help?” he inquired.
“I don’t know,” the startled man replied. “I’ll have to ask my wife. She’s waiting in the car.”

A teacher asked her students to use the word “beans” in a sentence. “My father grows beans,” said one girl. “My mother cooks beans,” said a boy. A third student spoke up, “We are all human beans.”

*** Tidbit 2  Still Sprouting

I’m still sprouting! I shared the beginning of my sprouting adventure in September’s Blog (Heartening Nuggets, 2023). I wanted to report an update. I’m still enjoying the process: watching the tiny seeds grow into edible small vegetables. How cool is that? I enjoy harvesting them and adding them to my diet.

I can’t say anything miraculous has happened. I can’t say, “Oh they taste so delicious!” I can say that I like the fact that I’m giving my body a variety. I get tired of eating the same veggies every week. I think my body also says, “Thank you for giving me something different to work with.” You can see above in the picture, the sprouts I grew and harvested: God’s beautiful creation!

Sprouts are young plants on their way to full growth. They are harvested a few days after they germinate. Although they are miniature in size, they are big in nutrition. They carry essential vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The health benefits of sprouts may include lower blood sugar levels, improved: immune system, heart health, digestion of carbohydrates and proteins.  They may also help prevent infection, reduce period pain, detox the body and slow osteoporosis.

There is a risk of contamination when adding sprouts to your meals. Most sprout seeds are grown in warm, humid conditions which may cause bacterial growth. There are some things you can do to avoid the risk of food poisoning.

  • Never buy or eat slimy or smelly sprouts.
  • Keep sprouts chilled below 48 degrees at all times.
  • Take extreme caution with sanitization if attempting to make sprouts at home.
  • Rinse sprouts before consumption.
  • You can cook them. You may lose some nutrients, but you can still get a lesser amount of the nutrients as long as you don’t cook them to death.

I take the precautions. I pray before I consume them. I can get food poisoning eating anything, anywhere (at a restaurant, at a church gathering, even at home). God has protected me this far and I’m grateful to Him. You can find sprouts pretty much wherever you find food, particularly grocery stores and farmers markets. I encourage you to conduct your own research & to consult with your health care provider about any changes you plan to make. Happy eating!

*** Tidbit 3  The Lord’s Supper

Corinthians 11:23-26, NKJV
For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.

The apostle Paul is the author of our scripture for today. He wrote this passage in response to a report about the shameful, disrespectful behavior in the Corinthian church. There was church division and conflict among the believers. They had even begun treating the Lord’s Supper as if it were an ordinary meal.  

Paul was not with the apostles at the very first Lord’s Supper, but he received an understanding of the tradition from the Lord. It was not something that he made up. He reminded them of the correct way to observe it. Not only were they to consider the needs of others, they were to observe this supper as a sacred rite.

As we partake of the Lord’s Supper, let us ………

Examine ourselves – Ask for forgiveness in areas where we’ve missed the mark (unforgiveness, hatred, disobedience, fear, worry, jealousy, etc.).
Look back and remember – Bring to mind the sacrifice Jesus made for us.
Share – Proclaim, preach, teach, and testify about Jesus to those around us.
Look to Jesus’ return and get happy – The Lord’s Supper is about the death and the reign of Jesus. He got up from the grave and is coming back for us.
Remember the covenant – The Lord’s Supper reminds us that we are in covenant with the Lord. We told God that we would follow His ways (when we accepted Him as Savior). In turn, He guaranteed that our sins were forgiven and paid for by the blood of Jesus.

Some churches have stopped the tradition of taking Communion (the Lord’s Supper) entirely or it has become a lifeless ritual taken more out of habit. Jesus took this meal seriously as it was one of the final acts of His earthly ministry. The apostle Paul also took it seriously. We may not fully understand the significance of it, but if Jesus commanded it, that’s enough for me. 

The information that I have shared with you is intended for informational purposes only.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?  If you wait, it could be too late. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting live (John 3:16).

If you have already accepted Him, He wants you to get to know Him even better.

Bye for now. Thanks for visiting. Don’t forget to click the Follow button.


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JULY Tidbits

**If you’re happy & you know it – SMILE.
**Jesus loves us. There is absolutely nothing you or I can do to stop Him from loving us. Singing: Jesus Loves Me
** We all pass gas, break wind, cut the cheese, etc. These 6 tips may help relieve it.

*** Tidbit 1  Humor Time

It’s free to smile. You pay nothing. – anonymous

Mrs. Smartt was fumbling in her purse for her offering when a large television remote fell out and clattered into the aisle.

The curious usher bent over to retrieve it for her and whispered, “Do you always carry your TV remote to church?”

“No,” she replied, “but my husband refused to come with me this morning, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally.”

Things My Mother Taught Me (part 5)
**My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
“If you don’t eat your vegetables, you’ll never grow up.”
**My mother taught me GENETICS.
“You’re just like your father.”
**My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
“Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?”

 Why did the snowman look through a bag of carrots?
Because he was picking his nose.

What’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?
Daughter: “Mom, what’s it like to have the greatest daughter in the world?”
Mom: “I don’t know ask your grandmother.”

Why didn’t the elephant buy a suitcase for his summer camp?
Because he already had a trunk!

*** Tidbit 2  Jesus loves you and me.

Parents love their kids, at least they’re supposed to. No matter what kind of adult that child turns out to be, a parent will still love him or her. Jesus loves us. There is absolutely nothing you or I can do to stop Him from loving us. He doesn’t love sin, but He loves the sinner. He wants to have a personal relationship with each of us. His desire is that we spend eternity with Him.

Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?  If you wait, it could be too late. For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting live (John 3:16).

If you have already accepted Him, He wants you to get to know Him even better.

Click on the video below to hear my rendition of Jesus Loves Me.

No matter how bad life gets, I have the promise that Jesus loves me, and all things are working together for my good. If you’re a born-again believer, you can say the same thing.

*** Tidbit 3   Flatulence

No matter what name you give it (passing gas, farting, breaking wind, cut the cheese or pooting) we all do it. It’s a natural product of digestion. Flatulence means that you have excessive gas in the stomach or intestine. As you digest food, your digestive system will cause intestinal gas, otherwise known as flatus.

Flatulence can result from being sedentary, swallowing air while chewing or having trouble digesting carbohydrates. There are certain foods in particular that cause gas, such as beans, high-fiber fruits and vegetables, protein shakes, sauerkraut, lentils, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated beverages. When the digestive system isn’t able to fully digest food, it will turn it into gas to escape the body.

Here are 6 tips that may help relieve flatulence and let you continue eating foods that are also good for you.

  1. Soak beans in water for at least twelve hours. Cooking them will help reduce their gas-producing properties.  Throw away the water that you soaked them in. Rinse them thoroughly and cook them thoroughly until they are completely tender.
  2. Nutritional seeds: flax, chia and/or fennel seeds. Be aware that flax seeds can cause constipation if you don’t drink enough water.
  3. Digestive Enzyme supplements help break down the food in your digestive tract especially foods that are hard to break down such as foods that high in fiber or fats.
  4. Ginger added to your dinner or smoothies may help reduce the amount of gas that is produced in your stomach.
  5. Baking soda and lemon may be fast and instant. Squeeze one lemon into a glass of water and then add a teaspoon of baking soda. Mix well and drink once the fizz has died down.
  6. Apple cider vinegar is a natural remedy for bloating, but it may also help stop gas fast. Add a teaspoon of ACV to a cup of hot boiling water and drink it slowly.

Bye for now. Thanks for visiting. Don’t forget to click the Follow button

The information that I have shared with you is intended for informational purposes only.

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Jokes (stewardshipoflife.org)