Heart-Warming Tidbits

Heart-Warming Tidbits: **Your body doesn’t know the difference between real & fake laughter. Right now – just laugh! **Who will remember you 100 years from now? Only Jesus Christ. **Reflexology does a body & mind good: Foot Massage & Roller Balls. YESSS!

Tidbit 1   Humor Time

A funeral service is being held in a church for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers carrying the casket accidentally bump into a wall jarring the casket. They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually alive. She lives for 10 more years and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same church and at the end the pallbearers are again carrying the casket out. As they are walking, the husband calls out, “Watch out for the wall!”

Did you hear about the man that got hit hard in the head with a can of Mountain Dew? Don’t worry. He’s alright. It was a soft drink.

Daddy reads some bedtime stories to make little Johnny fall asleep.  Half an hour later mommy opens the door quietly and asks: “And, is he asleep?”
Little Johnny answers, “Yes, finally.”

Tidbit 2  Only What You Do For Christ Will Last

How long do you think you’ll be remembered?  You may be remembered for a generation or three, for a few heroic things, but after that, it’s not likely that anybody will give a thought about you (unless you’re written about in a history book). Jesus Christ is the one and only person that will think about you far past your lifetime-once you have accepted Him as your Savior.  He will remember when you encouraged that person.  He will remember when you brightened someone’s day by giving them a compliment.  He’ll remember how you witnessed for Him.  He’ll remember that you were obedient to His word.

He’ll remember the things you did for Him. Just make sure you do what He directs you to do and not what you want to do. In other words did He direct you to build that cathedral or did you direct you to build that cathedral? Only what you do for Him is going to last.

[Click on the video below to view the oral presentation of this blog and to hear the hymn: Only What You Do For Christ Will Last.]

Tidbit 3 Reflexology

How are you doing with managing your stress?  It is said that a large percentage of disease is stress related. We know that massage can help manage stress.  Did you know that reflexology can also help you manage stress and provide other benefits as well?

Reflexology is a therapeutic form of foot massage and of course, hand reflexology is a therapeutic form of hand massage. Reflexology is based on the belief that each part of each foot is a mirror site for a part of the body.  For example, the low back and intestines are towards the heel.  The heart and chest are around the ball of the foot, & so on.

I like to use a roller ball to massage my feet.  As you can see, I have several.  I love using them, especially this yellow porcupine ball.  It is said that using a roller ball for 10 min. every day, can relieve some tension, increase energy levels and enhance feelings of well-being. I want to share 6 benefits of foot massage with you.

A foot massage may:

  1. Improve circulation.
  2. Help lower blood pressure.
  3. Support sleep.
  4. Prevent injury by improving the mobility of your feet.
  5. Reduce the effects of depression and anxiety.
  6. Provide pain relief, not only for your feet. 

Here’s my testimony #1: One time I had a pain in my neck.  The pain was there for more than a week.  I took aspirin, used a heating pad, but neither of them worked.  The Holy Spirit brought to my attention, my porcupine massage ball.  I began to roll one foot and then the other over the ball and immediately the pain began to ease.  I did it the next day and the day after, then the pain in my neck was totally gone.  Hallelujah!

Testimony #2: I had a pain in my chest. The pain would come and go. Once again the Lord reminded me of the massage ball.  He told me to use it for a certain amount of days.  I followed His prescription and the pain went away. 

God has all kinds of ways to help us, if we let Him.  You don’t have to have a massage ball to reap the benefits of foot massage.  You can use your hands to massage them.  You can roll each foot over a golf ball, tennis ball, or a rolling pin.  I’m not getting paid to endorse these products.  I just want to share how I have benefited from using them.  To God be the glory!

If you know Jesus Christ as your Savior, now is the time to get to know Him even better.  If you don’t know Him, accepting Him as your Savior will be the wisest decision you will ever make.

The information that I have shared with you is intended for informational purposes only.  Check with your health provider if you have health issues.

Thanks for stopping by.  Thanks for following this blog.  Until next time, have a blessed day or night!

Funeral (laugh-of-the-day.com)
Hilarious Clean Jokes | Short-Funny.com (short-funny.com)